a bunch of Ericaceae open call splash

a bunch of is a series of pocket sciart guides to plant families

annotated diagram of the abo pocket guide

About ERICACEAE (The Heath Family)

Where do I begin with this one.. With the red bark of Manzanitas? Dracophyllum leaves that look like fireworks? Poisonous honey derived from Rhododendron nectar? The gazillion bell-shaped flowers and berries? Or that for some plants, bumblebees employ buzz pollination? How about that they commonly grow in acidic environments? And their two main adaptations involve 1) elegant, simple use of evergreen leaves, and 2) a special relationship with mycorrhizal fungi? Also, parasitic ghost pipes?

Care to go to heathland with me? Here are some resources to get you started:


This is a paid opportunity. There is no submission fee.​ The ten printed artists will each be given a $50 CAD honorarium and a copy of the pocket guide. The selection of works is based on presenting the diversity of the plant family (only one of each species/genus will be selected), presenting a range of artistic styles, and how the works complement each other in different folds of the guide.​

Works not selected for print will be published in an online exhibit on this website. Artists who have not yet been printed will be prioritized in all future issues.

All artists will be credited and retain the copyright of their work.​

Works created using AI will not be accepted for print or online. Any use of AI, however small, in a work must be disclosed if you choose to submit it.

If you're an artist who has already been printed in an issue, your work will rejoin the main selection pool every five issues. For example, if you were printed in issue 003, your submissions will likely be on standby for issues 004-007 in favour of new artists (this depends on the submissions received for those issues). From issue 008 onwards, you'll have an equal chance as new artists to be selected for print. A cycle of five issues takes around 2.5 years. This new practice is to ensure abo gives as many artists the chance to be printed in a pocket guide, while also re-presenting the opportunity to those who want to return and create work for another plant family.


Max. two works
High resolution image (300 dpi)
Must depict (realistic or abstract or otherwise) a plant from the Ericaceae family
Must fit within a 8.6 cm wide x 13.2 cm tall space within the A6 page (portrait orientation is preferred)
File name format: species/genus of the plant - art medium - your name
Artist's name
100-word biography (Significantly longer bios will be trimmed.)
Website and/or social media handles
31 March, 2025
Feel free to reach out if you need a bit more time.

Tips to boost your chances of getting printed

TIP #1
Do some digging! Create your work based on a plant that's not so well known. The print selection is partly based on the intent to showcase a diverse range of plants. If your work is singular in covering a genus or species, your chances of getting printed will be higher.
TIP #2
Make sure your images are of high enough quality to be printed beautifully. 300 dpi is the minimum standard. File size is a non-issue. If it's not quite there, you're still welcome to submit them for the online exhibit.
TIP #3
If you want to include multiple plants in your work, ensure the plant you're mainly depicting is the focus of the work. Otherwise, the work will be fast-tracked for the online exhibit.
TIP #4
This might seem obvious.. but please check that your plant is from the correct family! Submissions received on plants outside the current issue's family will be kept on file for future issues, but there's no telling when the issue on that plant will be produced.